
AndroidStudyMemo (Resource)=GoogleData using By your Android phone



Looking for a library that supports Android or JSON Google API's? Please instead use Google API Client Library for Java.


The Google Data Java client library (see Developer's Guide and JavaDoc and open source) is written by Google. It supports the latest major version of the following Google Data API's:



Java 5 installed and web applications, including Google App Engine.

Atom XML protocol.

OAuth 1.0a, as well as legacy authentication methods AuthSub and ClientLogin.

Uses java.net.HttpURLConnection as its low-level HTTP library

Warning: We have stopped actively developing this client library, except critical bug fixes and support for some Google API's. However, this client library is not deprecated, and is considered the "stable" choice, unless you have a specific requirement that is only supported by the new client library below.


(NEW!) Google API Client Library for Java (Alpha)

We are developing a new client library for Java that in addition to supporting all Google Data API's listed above, supports all Google API's, including those based on JSON. In addition, it also supports Android. There is also Maven support for the new client library.


It is still in "Alpha" mode, so we encourage you to try it out and provide us with feedback:


Google API Client Library for Java (Alpha)


If you are migrating from the Google Data Java Client Library to the new Google API Client Library for Java, please read our Migration Guide to help you get started.


Where is Version 2 of the Google Data Java Client Library?


Users of the previous version 2.2 of the gdata-java-client library should be able to easily upgrade to google-api-java-client version 1.0. Thus, the new library should be backwards compatible with version 2.2 (with a few rare exceptions). Version 2 of the gdata-java-client won't be developed any further, and all ongoing development will instead now continue in the new project. Summary: same library, but with additional features, and a new name.




Google APIs Client Library for Java

Written by Google, this library is a flexible, efficient, and powerful Java client library for accessing any HTTP-based API's on the web. It features a powerful and easy to use OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 1.0a library with a consistent interface. It's XML and JSON data models are light-weight, efficient, and support any data schema.


This is the recommended library for accessing Google API's, and features a set of generated libraries for Google APIs based on the new API infrastructure.


Supports these Java environments (details):


Java 5 (or higher) standard (SE) and enterprise (EE)

Android 1.5 (or higher) (details)

Google App Engine

Take a look at short Buzz and YouTube samples, as well as samples of Google APIs.


Take a look at the detailed setup instructions for the structure of the library and its multiple components. It also includes instructions for Maven users.



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